Overcoming Emotional Eating with Mindfulness
Emotional Eating - Feeding your Feelings I am sure you know that: Eating out of boredom, stress, anger, sadness or other emotional reasons. We sometimes eat without being hungry at all. Many of us turn to the comfort of food to numb out uncomfortable feelings. We try...

Podcast: Chinese Medicine for a Healthy Menstrual Cycle & Fertility
Ancient menstrual wisdom from Chinese medicine Menstrual periods are not the same for every woman. A woman’s period can change throughout her lifetime and timing, duration, colour and flow of periods can vary greatly. ...

Podcast: An Ayurvedic and Yogic Approach to a Healthy Menstrual Cycle
Ancient menstrual wisdom from Ayurveda and Yoga Ayurveda and yoga are sister sciences and provide us with tools that can help build resilience to the hormonal imbalances we are so prone to. The woman's menstrual cycle plays a major role in Ayurveda. If you go to an...

Ayurveda & Chinese Medicine: Benefits of Drinking Hot Water
Why is drinking hot or warm water recommended? Nothing is as simple and effective as drinking hot water. Some even speak of a hot water cure. Tap water is simply boiled and Ayurvedic's and Chinese medicine’s remedy no.1 is ready. Drinking hot water helps to easily...

Eye Problems: Natural Remedies and Diet Tips from Chinese Medicine
Understanding eye problems through TCM and Ayurveda Eye problems can make day-to-day life harder and impact well-being and life quality. The most common eye disorders are: red, itchy, burning, dry and bloodshot eyes, as well as a yellowish tinge in the whites or...

Naturopathy: What it is and whom it helps
What's the main objective of naturopathy? Naturopathy boasts an impressive variety of effective measures and therapies. As different as they may be, their goal is always the same: to activate and strengthen the body's self-healing powers. While conventional...

What is Craniosacral Therapy? What are the benefits of it?
Craniosacral therapy: What it is Craniosacral therapy (CST) is a subtle, profound body work that balances and harmonizes all levels of a human being. It is an alternative manual treatment that has its origins in osteopathy. Craniosacral therapy describes the...

Hormone Yoga Therapy: Balance your Hormones for Optimal Health
History of Hormone Yoga Therapy Hormone Yoga Therapy is a form of yoga developed by Dinah Rodriguez, a Brazilian author and yoga teacher. Her aim first was to help women who are suffering from unwanted side effects of menopause. But soon she discovered, that the...

Foods, Herbs & Plants to Boost Natural Collagen Production
Collagen the Fountain of Youth Who needs botox when there is collagen? One of the main organic components of the skin (80%) is collagen. Collagen makes your skin elastic and is responsible for how tight or how flaccid and wrinkled it is. Besides being beneficial for a...

A Cold Uterus: How it influences menstruation, fertility and pregnancy
The Uterus from a Chinese medicine perspective In TCM the uterus, Bao Gong, is not seen as an isolated organ, but includes the ovaries, the fallopian tubes and the cervix. It´s also called the "palace of the child". The extraordinary vessels Ren Mai and Chong Mai go...